Finding Answers to Questions about Walt Disney World, Disneyland, and Disney Cruise Lineby Jennifer and Dave Marx, Authors of PassPorter Travel GuidesHave Disney Questions? Chances are good that the answer is available somewhere! Here are our top ten ways (in order) to find answers to your questions about Walt Disney World, Disneyland, Disney Cruise Line, and general travel:1. Read the Manual! Check the PassPorter guidebook! You probably already have one if you're reading this and virtually all our readers tell us its a great resource. We keep a copy right by our computers -- yes, we wrote the book, but do you think we actually remember everything we've ever written in it? Anyway, when we're looking for an answer to a question, PassPorter is the first place we check. We use both the table of contents and the index to find what we seek.3. Call Disney and ask. We do this frequently when we have a question we haven't addressed in the PassPorter guidebook. Here are some helpful phone numbers: General Walt Disney World information - 407-824-4321
4. Search the Boards. Do a search on the PassPorter message board -- chances are very good someone else has asked the question already! To search the message board, click the Search link at the top of the board, type in one or two words that relate to your question, and click Search. For example, if I wanted to check on renovations at the Disney resort hotels, you could type "renovation" to get several hits. If you don't find what you're looking for, consider alternate words, for example "rehab" instead of "renovation." 6. Google It. Search for it on the Internet. We recommend the Google search engine for excellent results: 7. Go Web Surfing. Visit specific Disney-related Web sites for information on your topic. AllEars.net (http://www.allears.net) is a particularly good repository of information which we recommend you check. You'll find more good Disney Web sites at: http://www.passporter.com/wdw/webunofficial.htm. And don't forget http://www.disneyworld.com. 8. Check Other Forums. Search other message boards and discussion groups for information on your topic. Here are our recommendations: DIS (Disney Information Station) - http://www.disboards.com
9. Ask More People. Post your question on one or more of those same boards or groups we mention above. Different people have different experiences. 10. Ask Us. Send us an e-mail at jenniferanddave (at) passporter.com. We will do our best to answer you! We do received hundreds of e-mails a day, however, so we can't promise anything. But we will try! When you do find your answer, we encourage you to post it here in the message boards for others who follow to find. The more you contribute, the more you (and everyone else!) gets out of it. Happy hunting!
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