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PassPorter's Disney Trip Planner Tools - NotesThank you for helping us test and improve PassPorter's Trip Planner Tools! The vision for these tools is to provide you with a desktop- and mobile-based planning system that goes above and beyond our beloved PassPockets, allowing you to acesss and update your information before, during, and after your trip! It's not finished yet, but after months of work I'm finally at the stage where I need folks to make new trips, try out the features that are here, and report on issues -- this is the best way for me to make this an awesome set of tools that can really help you plan and enjoy a magical vacation!Known Issues and Bugs: Adventures, shopping, entertaiment, and special is not all entered into the system yet. Fixed Bugs: Upcoming Features: Please send bug reports, general errors, feedback, and suggestions to jennifer@passporter.com. Thank you, |
PassPorter's Concierge Desk Copyright 2010-2015 by Jennifer Marx at PassPorter Travel Press