Monthly Archives: January 2012

You are the type of planner who gets up in the dark 180 days before their vacation to make Disney World Advance Dining reservations. You’ve never had a problem getting a reservation at Le Cellier or Cinderella’s Royal Table. I used to be like that. These days I’ve taken to […]

Making Advance Dining Reservations on Short Notice

Let me start by clarifying: I don’t mean that patience is needed to do the (fun!) stuff; i.e. the planning, etc., I mean that you, well, I, will need patience for the waiting to plan! You Totally Do This, Don’t You? So, I can honestly say that I love starting […]

Patience is a Virtue (Unless You’re Planning a Disney Vacation!)

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Truer words were never spoken! That simple statement applies to all facets of life, including the journey to better health. And that journey needs to include good food choices, exercise and a healthy lifestyle. If you are already in […]

Beginning a Healthy Journey

Every day I deal with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Social Phobia, Generalized Anxiety, Major Depression, and Hereditary Spastic Paraparesis. However, I personally only “suffer” from a mild case of depression. So why do I deal with all those other things? Simple, I am a mom, girlfriend, and caregiver to two wonderful […]

It’s the CAREGIVER’s Vacation Too!!

It’s all change on the Disney Vacation Club (DVC) Member website, as it finally introduces online booking. Let’s be honest, it’s something that’s long overdue, as having to call Member Services to make your booking was feeling distinctly 20th century, especially as it’s an international call for us. Thank goodness […]

Online Booking for Disney Vacation Club Members